Two students walk with a bike outside the Tercero residence halls.

First Year Students

Making the academic transition to UC Davis can be difficult. Class structure, instructor interaction, rigor, expectations and studying are all different from high school. First Year Experience (FYE) Peer Mentors are one source of support as you transition into college.

FYE Peer Mentors are current students who meet with first-year students like to answer questions, share experiences and offer suggestions.  FYE Peer Mentors also host programs and events in-person and virtually, as well as hold office hours.

At the beginning of the quarter, you will meet your FYE Peer Mentor. Find your FYE Peer Mentor by using our online form!

How can my FYE Peer Mentor help me?

FYE Peer Mentors are trained to assist students in all four colleges and can help:

  • Prepare for academic advising appointments and pass times
  • Strategize for test taking and studying
  • Create solutions to your academic concerns
  • Explore and change majors
  • Navigate campus resources
  • Understand the classroom culture and share success strategies
  • Connect with student organizations, research, internships, jobs
  • Find your community on campus
  • Use computer systems on campus: OASIS, MyDegree, Schedule Builder, Canvas
  • Learn from their experience
  • Remind you academics can be difficult at UC Davis and there are people here who want to support you!

And much more!