Student Leaders
Join our New Student Programs student leader team!

Orientation Student Manager (SM)
7 SMs total
SMs work all year to plan and implement all parts of the UC Davis Orientation experience. Six of our SMs are Orientation Student Managers (OSM), with a focus on programming. One of our SMs is an Administrative Student Manager (ASM), with a focus on operations.
FYE Student Manager (SM)
7 SMs total
Student Managers work for 16-18 months starting in winter quarter through spring quarter the following year. Their focus is on large scale programming and projects, and they supervise the FYE Team Leads.

Orientation Team Lead (OTL)
55 OTLs total
OTLs supervise the Orientation Leader staff and help run Aggie Orientation behind the scenes. Within the team of fifty-five OTLs, fifteen of them will also be responsible for facilitating summer webinars as Orientation Webinar Team Leads (OWTLs).

Program Assistant (PA)
10 PAs total
PAs are the customer service front line for Orientation. They address the questions and concerns of new students before and during Aggie Orientation.
2025 PA Job Description coming soon
Application available March 2025
FYE Peer Mentor (PM)
29 PMs Total
Peer Mentors work directly with new first year and transfer students throughout their first year to help ease their transition into UC Davis through programming, events, and office hours.
FYE Living Learning Community Peer Mentor (LLCPM)
9 LLCPMs Total
LLC Peer Mentors are similar to FYE Peer Mentors, though LLCPMs are hired to work directly with specific identity based LLCs in Student Housing and Dining Services. Specific communities can be found in the job description.

Orientation Leader (OL)
425 OLs total
OLs work directly with small groups of new students throughout Aggie Orientation to help lead them through the Orientation schedule and address their transitional concerns.